Banana Ripening: Two Ways to Make Your Bananas Ripen Faster

A tasty banana needs to be perfectly ripe. Unripe bananas won’t taste that great, plus they are not as nutritious as ripened bananas. If you have a bunch of unripe bananas then there are several ways that you can cheat in order to speed up the banana ripening process. This article provides two simple ways that you can ripen your bananas at home.


The Bag Method


One of the easiest ways to ripen bananas is to use the bag ripening method. To do this you just have to place them into the bag with a tomato, and then seal the bag. This will make them give off ethylene gas, which will speed up the ripening process. You can also place the bananas into a plastic bag. This method is actually how distributeurs speed up the ripening process too. It can take up to several days to ripen the bananas, depending on how ripe they originally were.


The Oven Method


If you need a quicker way to ripen your bananas then you can use the oven method. To do this you just need to turn on your oven to its lowest setting, which is usually around 170 degrees fahrenheit. Place your bananas onto a baking tray. Make sure that they are not too close together, so that the air can properly circulate around them. Turn the oven light on so that you can see how well the bananas are ripening without opening the oven door. It will typically take around an hour or so for the bananas to fully ripen, but this can vary depending on how ripe your bananas were originally. After you have removed the bananas you can place them into your refrigerator which will help to stop the ripening process.


Signs of a Ripe Banana


There are several ways that you can spot a perfectly ripe banana. A banana that is yellow in colour with quite a few brown spots is when the banana is at its ripest. This banana will have a rich flavour and also be lovely and sweet.


Of course you can also just leave your bananas to naturally ripen over time. Enjoy!



banana ripening by Advanced Ripening Technologies Limited (ART) was formed in the third quarter of 2006 to design and develop pressurized banana (and other tropical fruit) ripening rooms using the latest technology and energy saving advances. Visit their website today if you’re looking for ripening rooms.