A Electronic Cigarette produces vapors creating a feeling similar to smoking cigarettes without the harmful effect of smoking. It looks ,feels and tastes like a cigarette but at the same time does not give any harmful side effects. It does not require any lighting up ,but automatically lights up when drawn on .Hence ,it offers no side effects or health risks on the user and to the people around him since it does not contain the 400 harmful chemical present in the traditional cigarette like tar ,carbon monoxide and many others An Electronic Cigarette is ideally suited to a person who is very conscious of his dental health .it does not stain the teeth .-the teeth remain sparkling white and this does not warrant unnecessary visits to the Dentist. Another advantage is that there is no fear of fire. It has been researched that many fires are caused by smokers who casually throw burning cigarettes carelessly. An electronic cigarette saves for the smoker a lot of money and hence it is cheaper in the long run. It can be used in any place in hotels ,pubs or casinos and public places without causing hindrance to others. It also helps in quitting Smoking. It also greatly helps people who work in no smoking environments and have a habit of smoking. It does not burn anything and is not restricted to the smoking ban. In many countries ,hotels, pubs and casinos allow the use of electronic cigarettes indoors show its universal acceptance. Since no harmful effects are there on human beings health there is no chance of getting lung cancer or other dangerous diseases. Since Electronic Cigarettes do not give bad breath or smelly clothes, a person is not isolated socially and his confidence level is boosted up

The Article is written by electric-cigarette.co.uk/ providing Electric Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Services. Visit http://www.electric-cigarette.co.uk/ for more information on electric-cigarette.co.uk/Products & Services