Expectations From Upper Blepharoplasty

upper blepharoplasty

Aging is a process that cannot be avoided. However, hoping to look beautiful is an emotion that cannot be reduced with age. Sure, beauty is only skin-deep but you may go ahead and consider an upper blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery when you begin to look tired or angry for no apparent reason. The signs of age that creep up slowly but steadily may be obliterated at least for the time being. Sure, you have to check the effectiveness of the surgery and schedule a consultation with one of the top cosmetic surgeons in your area. It is indeed surprising to know that while the surgery is predominantly a cosmetic surgical procedure done to improve your appearance yet you will find it to be functional as well.

Why should you opt for upper blepharoplasty?

You will be saddened to learn that your eyelids tend to stretch with age. This results in an excess of skin formation over the upper eyelids too. The accumulation of fat on the upper eyelids may affect your vision acuity as well. Moreover, you tend to develop drooping eyes that make you look tired and sleepy. One of the most convincing treatments to correct this is to go for blepharoplasty and have the excessive skin and fat snipped out. Some of the benefits associated with this procedure include the following:-

Improved shape of the eye(s)– Well, you may not become doe-eyed after the surgery but you are sure to observe your eyelids looking much better and enhancing your overall appearance. The snipping of the extra skin and fat from above the eyelid will help you attain a rejuvenated look that will make you appear fresh and energetic once again. The removal of skin and fat is done at the outpatient department under local anesthesia. It is a minimally invasive surgery that is completed in minutes.

Less Skin Irritation– There is bound to be no or very small amount of skin irritations post the surgery. It is important to remember that an excess of skin on the upper eyelid often results in heaviness and you have trouble blinking without an effort. Discomfort is caused when the surfeit of skin rubs with the skin rubs together as well. This may also irritate when applying eye makeup and removing it.

Fewer Wrinkles – One of the most obvious signs of aging is the development of wrinkles on the eyelid, both upper and lower. While careful ling lifting the skin and removing the wrinkled skin is possible, this sort of surgery comes with some limitations. You may find the wrinkled look reduced but not eliminated afterward.

The excess of skin on the upper eyelid may obscure your vision too. The upper blepharoplasty becomes essential and not merely cosmetic when an ophthalmologist suggests it. You will be happy to note a marked improvement in your vision with the peripheral or side vision being restored. You do not have to tilt your head to see well as a result.

Your surgeon may advise blepharoplasty of both eyelids simultaneously to help you enhance your appearance substantially.