Starting with films like Jurassic Park and Toy Story, the technology behind 3D animation has advanced rapidly. As the technology has become more powerful and more accessible, so too have its applications become more widespread.
1. Introduction to 3D:
- 3D Animation has come a long way in 15 years
- Today films, games, TV, internet and print all use 3D graphics
- Many different software tools are available for creating 3D models/graphics
2. 3D Animation Software:
- 3D Animation Software
- Generally speaking, 3D animation software is VERY EXPENSIVE
- TrueSpace uses a simpler, more natural interface to help learn 3D principles
- 2D Programs deal with photographs, drawings, and other two-dimensional images
- 3D programs are used to make scenes and objects, that is, they have ont only height and width, but also depth
3. Principals of 3D:
- SPACE is the difference between 2D and 3D
- 2D information is stored as width and height (often labeled X and Y)
- 3D information adds an extra coordinate depth (labeled Z)
- Each grouping of vertices define a single object
- Different objects can be combined in the same space to create a scene
- Scenes can then be animated and viewed from any angle
4. Rendering:
- Rendering is the final step in the 3D Animation process
- Rendering transforms wireframe scenes into finished 2D images
- Rendering is used for creating
- Animations
- Printing
- Video
- Web graphics
- Logos